WOBBLER & Toddler
Our Wobbler and Toddler program offers a curriculum that emerges from each child's unique skills and interests. Based on daily observations, teachers introduce new materials and activities that pique curiosity and stimulate learning. We focus on the foundation of independence.
These first years of life are an extraordinary period of cognitive and emotional growth, brain development, and language acquisition. Our infant and toddler Montessori-trained teachers form close bonds with our children, nurturing language, and body awareness development through freedom of movement and exploration.
We use an on-demand schedule in the Wobbler room to ensure that each child’s specific needs are met. Children are fed when they are hungry and are put to sleep when they are tired. This room is suited for children under 2.
As they get closer to toddler age, we begin acclimating our children to a more structured eating and sleeping schedule. Under the teachers’ care, children establish a strong sense of security & autonomy, laying a foundation for lifelong learning.
These first years of life are an extraordinary period of cognitive and emotional growth, brain development, and language acquisition. Our infant and toddler Montessori-trained teachers form close bonds with our children, nurturing language, and body awareness development through freedom of movement and exploration.